Welcome to my little blog page! I don't think this will truulyyy be a blog, it'll probably teeter between blog and journal, but i'm calling it a blog nonetheless
First little blurb I'll put here I guess! I'm almost done decorating and adding content to my site which has been a lot more fun than I thought it'd be if I'm being completely honest
like okay, i was looking forward to actually learning html and i've wanted a neocities site for a while but i wasn't expecting it to actually be this fun to make which is nice!
it'd probably do some good to explain what inspired me to make this little website, and its mostly because of the fact that i like this typa thing! i love pretty much anything 2000's/y2k and all things oldweb in general
I've also just kinda wanted a place where I can put anything I want, a little place to myself, something thats just me, for fun!
What really jumpstarted me finally sitting down to learn how to make this site though was scrolling through some neocities sites about two weeks ago, at some point landing on jeith.com. Something about their site really inspired me to make mine (and it's also just really awesome in general and i think you should absolutely go check them out)!